Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Personal Toolbox

Hello Friends,

What with all the spring cleaning going on, there are probably a few areas of your home that need fixing.  This is where a personal tool box can really come in handy.  

I labeled mine because when my boys were growing up they were likely to use and lose tools, so having my own toolbox saved my sanity.  There is nothing quite like the feeling of starting a project and having all the tools you need in one place.

For the box itself, there are many options.  I used a child size toolbox, leftover from when my boys were young.  I took out the removable tray as it took up a lot of room.  

One of my clients uses this tool bag.  It's like a big purse for tools!  Lots of pockets to organize small items too and in the largest pocket, you can fit an electric drill and charger too!

Some tools you might like to include in your toolbox are:

Level - comes in handy for hanging pictures
Pencils - for marking
Sharpie - for labeling
Finish hammer - perfect for pounding in a nail
Allen wrenches
Needlenose pliers
Small pliers
Assorted nails & screws of all sizes
Stud sensor 
Screwdriver - this one is on my wish list to replace the 7 that are pictured here
X-acto knife
Stick lubricant - gets all your sticky drawers to slide smoothly, among many other uses
*Goo Gone - removes stickers and other adhesives off in a jiffy
Tape measure

All these tools fit perfectly inside.

You'll want to keep your toolbox handy.  My sole purpose in creating a toolbox for myself was to avoid going into our garage.  My organizing jurisdiction stops with the house.  The garage is my husband's territory.  

YIKES!  Don't judge.

Keep your toolbox preferably somewhere on the main floor of your house.  My client with the nifty toolbox keeps it in the closet of her office.

 I keep mine in the basement, inside the drawer of old kitchen cabinets in my laundry room area.  Wherever you keep it, be sure it is easily accessed so you can grab and go!

If you have many in your household that like to borrow tools, you may want to hide it!

*If you want to make your own natural Goo Gone, you can!  
Mix equal parts baking soda and coconut oil. 
Make a paste.
Add 3 drops, more or less, of orange essential oil, if desired.
Thanks to my DIY friend, Brenda for sharing this recipe!

Where do you keep your toolbox?

What tools do you have that you couldn't live without?

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